Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Julie Andrews, je t'adore.

I decided last night to chill at home today and not go to school (not like I'm ditching a class - it's a lab class, which means ABOUT five hours a week... so I'm fine.). Then I lost my ride to piano lessons so I don't think I'll even step out of the house today. Which is a lovely thought. Although, I have lots of homework to do, especially for French, so I don't feel as lost tomorrow as I have the last week. But it's nice not to have to go anywhere... I'm drinking coffee, listening to songs from Mary Poppins, and only woke up like an hour ago. I feel incredibly lazy, but incredibly content. Sort of like a cat.

Okay. By the way. I never really used to watch tv much (that was always Mom and Kate with their detective shows) but now I've got a few that I watch, and they've got my undying loyalty. Castle is one of them, as well as The Mentalist. (They're essentially the same, and I think The Mentalist is better, but the girl in Castle is amazing. She makes me want to be a cop.) Dancing with the Stars, which I usually hate, is also now one of these shows. But this is really because of Evan Lysacek. Plus, the Russian dancer fellow is pretty spectacular... but yeah, the main reason is Evan.

I'll just say here and now, I will vote for the man regardless of whether or not he does well.

(People who do things like that, the biased people like me, drive me crazy. Gah. Morons.)

Hm, quoi d'autre? Whoa, I just found out that American Idol is asking Miley Cyrus to be a mentor? What is Simon doing? Things like this depress me. Miley Cyrus depresses me. I used to feel annoyed that she's so famous when she's only a bit older than I, but now I don't really care. I wouldn't be her if you paid me. Be in her PLACE, sure. But not be her. Enough of these rants. Funny how riled up people (yes, I'm included) get over things like this.

Man. Tout ce que je veux faire, c'est écrire. C'est dommage. You know what's REALLY too bad, I'm still a bit sick. Je suis malade et fatigué d'être malade et fatigué. Alright, Capitaine Français. Go call your teacher.


  1. Yes! I'm glad you're into Castle. It's a good show :D

    Remember when I told you about it a year ago and you had no idea what it was?

  2. Ah, well I knew what it was but I hadn't seen it at the time. My mom got the funny idea before she saw it that it was a bad show, and didn't let me watch the first few episodes. Then I started watching it and she got addicted too. haha

    Did you watch last night's ep? That one was awesome.

  3. Cool, cool :)

    Nope, I usually don't watch the shows on TV. I wait a day till it comes out on hulu.com
    When I get back from Calculus tonight I'll check it out!

  4. I love how you switch in and out of french. I think the nearly 17 year old you and the nearly 17 year old me would have been the best of friends.

    Any black and white dreams in french, yet? In those dreams, Gregory speaks french imPECKably ;-)

  5. Ha, yeah, well I wish I could speak french as well in class when I'm called on... ugh. Terrifying place, french class.

    haha, no, not yet. Goodness, Gregory speaking French. I'm not sure how I feel about that. It would be like hearing Peter speak Russian.
