Saturday, May 12, 2012


Well my goodness. It's been awhile since I wrote, but it's been forEVER since I wrote HERE! I've been home for a bit over a week, but things keep distracting me from writing. Right now, for example, I am exceedingly distracted by my desire for more coffee. In fact I may just go get some right now. ... Nope. Went for a bowl of pasta instead.

Anyway, hi. If you're curious about what happened while I was gone, you should check out my other blog, which can be found here. (P.S. I'm super proud of myself for figuring out how to do that link thing just now. Ha!) It really was an amazing trip. I can't believe that was two months, though - two months is such a long time. And I've been back home, what, 10 days? And already everything is normal. Except it's not really... it's all just slightly different. Which is satisfying. I think that if I felt tremendously changed, I'd just be afraid that it wouldn't last very long. Big changes never seem to. It's the subtle, little ones that you've got to watch out for.

Today I was a pretty proactive girl. Since I got back, I've been wanting to go to the beach - but every morning, before I've had coffee so that I can make an intelligent decision, I find an excuse not to go out. Today, however, I didn't listen to myself - even though it was FREEZING COLD down there. I went to the beach and laid out on the sand for awhile, with my paperback "9 Stories" to keep me company. I love reading Salinger at the beach - Jon once read "The Laughing Man" out loud to me and Kate there, and ever since then the author and the place have been intrinsically bound in my mind. After I finished "For Esmé - With Love and Squalor", I set my things down, took a running start and dove into the water. I was in for about a minute altogether, probably, but it was cold enough to make me shiver the whole way home. Anyway - after that I was definitely awake! Aside from that rather glorious beginning, all I've really done today is clean the house and make Mom a card. I never know what to do for Mother's Day... it drives me crazy when I see those commercials that try to get you to give your mom a car or something for Mother's Day. I mean, really? It's only a holiday because of Hallmark, anyway - and Lexus really wants us to give our moms a CAR? ... anyway. I'm not bitter about being a poor college student, really. ;)

Speaking of college! I've decided to go to Wheaton. Which is just crazy to me. Not the fact that it's Wheaton - just the fact that it's SOMEWHERE. I never really thought about life after VC, because it was all just too uncertain. Subconsciously I think I just sort of thought that life wouldn't exist after Ventura. But then I decided on a college, and all the sudden, BAM. Life! It's so much BIGGER than that! I mean, I know this all sounds kind of stupid, but really - to me, it was a huge revelation. It's like I've been walking around on a little island this whole time, and I just found a bridge to the mainland. It's all out there, just waiting. In Chicago! And after that... who knows?

My point is, I'm excited. The world is so much bigger than I ever thought it was - both physically and metaphorically. And that's a cool thing.

Well. Megan and Kate and I are gonna watch a movie or something, so I will say so long. Hopefully it won't be another two months before I write here. :)

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