Monday, January 30, 2012


I'm losing my mind. Why is it that I can never figure out what I want? I swear sometimes I'm two people.

I need to go throw darts at a board.


  1. I'd say you're at least more sure of what you want than most people your age. Or my age, for that matter.

  2. I don't know, I think everybody's that way. I have too little souls in my soul, and whichever one I"m doing what it tells me to, the other one gets all lonely.I hope you can figure it out. And I know you dislike camp, but I do wish you were going, cause I would like to see you again, and have back-rub and word time with you. =(

  3. Ohh, Erin! I don't dislike camp. How could I? I've never been there! haha. But seriously, even though I was never that in to going, I would very much love to see you and the gang again. Plus, back-rubs and word-times sound really nice. You'll have to come out to CA again sometime soon, that's all there is to it. :)
    I hope you have fun. Tell the rest of the hooligans that I said hello!
