It makes me feel like a total wimp, but I have ridiculous tennis-elbow from Wednesday. (At play practice, a lot of us weren't even needed on stage, so we grabbed some tennis rackets and played on the Mitchell's driveway behind the stage.) It was rather sad, playing with guys who are actually ON tennis teams (leagues? je ne sais pas...) and actually can PLAY the darned game... when I have trouble even hitting the ball. Actually that was mostly at first... I improved. Slightly. Mais, tu vois, ce n'est pas ma faute: Before Wednesday, my tennis experience was limited to a few summer nights at the park when I was about ten. Dad tried to teach us how to play, but gave up on us shortly after. Apparently we were not raised to be atheletes. In any case, my elbow hurts. Kate says that tall people have weaker joints, though, so I'm using that as my excuse.
Anywho. AH! Excitement. In the fall, I plan on getting a few of the theater children and myself together and putting on The Dining Room. This will be a pretty big undertaking, as I think I'd be directing it (with the help of Hanna.). I didn't want to seem copy-cattish, seeing as how Biola just did it and Jon was in it... but this play is so great. And it's a real chance for us to actually ACT and be dramatic and whatnot. I hope it actually happens... it's up to us, though. Which is exciting, but daunting too. But mostly exciting.
Such is the future, n'est-ce pas?
always wondered why none of your family picked up basketball...