Thursday, October 7, 2010

Love is simple.

I really do like having a license. Today when I left the school library, walked down the parking lot and got into my car, I felt distinctively grown up. Which is not always a happy feeling, but today it was. I drove home without mishap (which is getting more common every day, huzzah.) and when Lucy in the sky with diamonds came on 95.5, I sang along at the top of my lungs. Then I realized that singing in the car really only works if you have someone else with you, so you have an excuse to be weird and loud. But I suppose I didn't care enough to stop.

In two hours or so I'm going over to Beth's old harp teacher's house, because the woman is also pretty good at teaching math. She got Kate through college algebra, anyway. So hopefully she can do the same for me. Aside from that, I've got a bunch of psychology to read. This chapter, about consciousness, is titled "To Sleep, Perchance to Dream". It also started out with an excerpt from Alice in Wonderland, which I liked. Alice in Wonderland + Hamlet = promising chapter. Perhaps I'll stay awake for this one.

Mom sent me an email today about missionworks in Ireland. Whenever something like that happens, I'm distracted all day long. It's been a lifelong dream of mine to go there - though hopefully, between plans of study-abroad trips in school, after-graduation trips with the parents, or my own vagabond expeditions, ONE of those will work out. This is one goal I intend to reach. I don't know that I could go on a missiontrip there, partly because you have to be 19 for this one, and also partly because I think I might rather go on my own (as in, not through an organization). Maybe I could do something like Jon did in Prague, and just ask the missionaries there if I could live with them/help them out with whatever for a while. That seems like the best bet. Depending on the missionaries, of course.

Also. I was just reading my friend Katrina's blog about her new job as a writer with a magazine (congratulations, by the way!), and it pretty much reminded me of what I want to do. Every once in a while I forget and spend a week or two floundering around for ideas... but then something always points me back to writing. What kind of writing, exactly, I don't know. But it's the only thing that makes sense.

But, I suppose before I can do any of that, I'd best get through 12th grade. One foot in front of the other and all that.

1 comment:

  1. 1) i have been listening to "don't be afraid" for the last few days. strange coincidence.
    2) yay writing, writing forever! WRITE WRITE WRITE WRITE except don't take my jobs away because then i'd have to kill you.
    3) also, don't you dare go to Ireland before me. or i'd really have to kill you.
    OR you could just come to Ireland WITH me. :}
