Sunday, July 11, 2010

Well that was fun...

Just had a nice little adventure. Mom and Dad are gone so I climbed out Jon's window and went on the roof (seems like the thing to do when you're home alone, I guess...). I've done it before but Dad doesn't like it so I don't do it much; but they're not here, and it's so pleasant up there... facing the ocean, everything bathed in that nice golden light before sunset.... the only trouble was, this time, I closed the window. And there's no handle on the OUTSIDE.


So I'm sitting there, trying to open the window, thinking, "Shoot. I'm going to have to listen for the van and then start yelling when they get out because once they get in the house, they won't hear me... and then they won't see me inside so they'll think I got kidnapped... and then they'll call the police..." You see, I learned at an early age the frantic thinking of Mueller women. It's really quite an art. Then, to make matters worse, every dog in the neighborhood started barking and howling at me. It occurred to me then that all it would take is one neighbor to look out the window and see an 'intruder' trying to open somebody's window, and I'd be done-for. Just as my nerves and the barking were hitting a singular peak, I managed to slide the window open and I jumped through it with amazing speed and accuracy. I'm still not sure whether anyone saw me or not, but no coppers have shown up, so I figure it must be alright. I'm a little annoyed at the stupid dogs, but on second thought, I'd be kind of glad for them if there really WERE an intruder coming through my brother's window. (A side note - I have just realized that, while every OTHER dog noticed me, my own dog slept. Thanks Alfie, you're such a good guard dog.)

Anyway, I'm back inside now with only a bit of dust on my jacket. And the best part is that I don't have to ask Dad or Mom to help me get off the roof that they don't want me climbing.


How do I get myself into these situations?

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