Saturday, February 19, 2011

The dog days are over

A lot has happened this week! Firstly, things are going pretty well. Aside from the fact that I'm home alone and it's cold and the weather outside is freakish... and I've been listening to Johnny Cash and "Hurt" pretty much nonstop for three days. Which is an incredibly depressing and addicting song. Anyway - aside from all that, things are good. I've been drinking coffee nonstop and just made another pot, and it's raining outside. AND I don't really have any homework that needs to be done right now. Which is refreshing. So here I sit, listening to Johnny Cash and Mumford & Sons, thinking of all the ways that I could spend the rest of this gloomy Saturday. Time always seems to move slower on days like this... this, too, is refreshing.

Firstly - oh yes. I'M GOING TO BE AN AUNT. My stinking sister (the married one) is 9 weeks pregnant and just thought to tell us about a week ago. I still don't understand all the blasted secrecy of that. But, now that I'm free to brag all that I want, I will. I'm so excited that we're finally having a Brubaby :) I'm kind of hoping it's a boy, so I can call him Bruboy. But I'll be happy to have a niece, too. Everyone knows that nieces are wonderful... though perhaps I'm a bit biased.

Anyway, the things that were driving me crazy and stressing me out last week are, mostly, taken care of. My teacher wasn't angry at me personally over the movie-stealing, my hair is growing out (still too short, but we're getting there), and things are fantastic with The Dining Room. I'm so relieved. We had our read-through at Groups yesterday, right after third-period class. We're all supposed to get out of the building as soon as possible so they can clean up, so I took The Five out to the van (Mom took my car home and I drove the van, because that was the only car we'd all fit in), and sat in the parking lot and read through the whole play in two hours. It was rough, obviously, because some of them hadn't read it before so it was all very new... but I'm seeing a lot of potential with this cast, and it's exciting. We also now have rehearsal dates SET, so no more bouncing around between people asking about 'what works'. Hah. I like having things decided; they're much more manageable when they're not floating above our heads somewhere.

OH! And we got our biology exam results back on Tuesday. Our teacher was pretttty mad - the class average was 65.5%. Ouch. Buuuut, guess who got a very high B? :) I don't like B's much, but in Biology, I consider this an accomplishment.

I also saw True Grit on Wednesday. I knew I liked it immediately after it finished, but over the past few days I've been realizing just how very much I like it. The script is really a piece of art - it's amazing to me that the actors can say things like, "It is I, Mattie Ross, your employer", and sound natural. Impressive writers, impressive actors, impressive film. I like those. Also, the score was fantastic. I've had "Leaning on the Everlasting Arms" stuck in my head all week; what a beautiful song. I get chills whenever I hear it.

Mmm... speaking of hymns, I have to play at church tomorrow. This makes me upset. I get so stressed out when I have to do it.

Anyway. I think I'm going to go practice... and then pack, because I won't really be here for the next two days. Annnnd... then I'm going to watch The Pianist. Or maybe make more pancakes. Dad bought me more bisquick (the other day when I wanted to make pancakes, I had just enough to make one. One. stinking. pancake.), so I plan on taking full advantage. Hope you're enjoying this strange-ish lovely weather.

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